Stormwater Inspections
Commercial & ResidentialCSllc – A Company with a Purpose
What’s Being Inspected?
Stormwater practices are often hiding in plain sight. They are the ponds that fill and drain during rain, the swales and berms that channel water. Sometimes they are low-lying vegetative areas.

The Stormwater Requirement
Protecting the streams and ultimately the drinking water, municipalities have enacted stormwater requirements. These laws are designed to reduce flooding and erosion and to protect areas from the impact of surrounding development runoff.

About Don Green
Don Green is a certified stormwater inspector with more than 30 years as a water quality specialist.
His work in Franklin and Chattanooga set the standards for stormwater inspections and compliance and have been used as a model by other Tennessee cities.
For more than 12 years he has worked with property owners and managers to complete the inspections required under some of the same regulations he created.
Green also serves as an Instructor for the National Stormwater Center, training people nationally to become stormwater inspectors and a Senior Partner at Connected Sustainability, LLC / CSllc. He is nationally certified as a LEED AP.
Rain Gardens
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What is Stormwater Runoff
Do you see standing water on your property after a storm? Are your downspouts flowing down drives or eroding the ground? If so, then you might have a stormwater runoff problem. Even log cabins that are tucked back into nature can contribute to runoff issues....
Riparian Buffers
Along stream banks and wetlands, a “riparian buffer” is a forested area that is designed to protect the water from pollution and to mitigate flooding and erosion. This article will provide some details on why this is so important. The word “riparian” just refers to...
Rain Barrels
Hey, hey, little playmate, come out and play with meAnd bring your dollies three.Climb up my apple tree, holler down my rain barrel,Slide down my cellar door, and we’ll be jolly friends forever more. Most of us sang the nursery song without giving a...
What Everyone Should Know About Water Quality Impacts
These are real phone calls and emails.....(Well, they could be!) There are many things that people will notice that impacts the water quality we all share. Here are some of the things that may have happened in your neighborhood and that should be reported to...
Why Are Stormwater Inspections Important?
Stormwater practices designed by professionals and approved by municipalities address water quality in area streams and lakes and protect property owners and downstream neighbors from flooding.
The inspection and maintenance of stormwater control measures such as detention ponds and infiltration practices will ensure that these devices are functioning the way they were designed. Inspection and maintenance reports must be submitted annually to the municipality.